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“ISOPS” is an innovative educational company that has been operating for 7 years. “ISOPS” cooperates with local and foreign companies and organizes various local and international projects, competitions, camps, associations in different schools and courses for students.

our services

What We Offer

Benefits of

ISOPS Company

About 1000 students from more than 8 countries and 70+ schools participated in the projects organized by the company in the last year.

“ISOPS” company is one of the official representatives of the ESU (The English Speaking Union) organization of Great Britain, which is the largest speaking platform in the world.

“ISOPS” company has organized:

  • Public speaking competitions
  • Debate competitions
  • Summer camps
  • Courses on public speaking
  • Courses on soft skills
  • Associations for students
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How it Works

our values

Benefits of ISOPS School


By participating in programs provided by us students can make various new friends, improve their social and communication skills.

Soft Skills

By working on soft skills of students in our programs, they can learn to interact with others in a proactive and creative way.

English Speaking Environment

Educational programs by our professional teachers are organized in english, so students can find an opportunity to enhance their language skill as well.


Not only do we focus on various fields, but also pay attention to schoolchildren’s amusement.


Extracurricular activities by us are the best choice for students to gain experience from their early years.


We help them to realize their potential in leadership and make a way for them to improve it.

quick,easy & problem-free

Weekend Programs

What are the Weekend Programs? Weekend programs are fun and educational activities on Saturday and Sunday. These programs aim for schoolchildren to make new friends, participate in fun games, and demonstrate their knowledge and skills in various entertainment centers.

quick,easy & problem-free

We Love Education. Education Love Us!

our great staff

Meet Our Team

Sabina Jabrayilova

Sabina Jabrayilova

Project Coordinator
Minira Imranbayli

Minira Imranbayli

Project Manager
Liza Abdullayeva

Liza Abdullayeva

Project Manager

What Clients Say

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Minnətdaram! Düşərgə övladımın çox ürəyincə oldu. Gününü olduqca dəyərli və əyləncəli keçirdi. Bu günədək mütəmadi olaraq xatırlayır, ordakı təəssüratlardan danışır. Yeni dostlar tapması, əyləncəsi, film izləməsi. Bir daha olarsa, sevə-sevə bir daha qatılar. Hər şey üçün təşəkkür edirik sizə!

Humbet’s parent

Valideyn kimi ilkin olaraq kollektivə “Winter Camp” layihəsini təşkil etdiyinə görə öz təşəkkürümü bildirmək istəyirəm.

Həmçinin qeyd etmək istəyirəm ki, uşaqların sosiallaşması və ünsiyyət bacarıqlarının inkişafında bu tip tədbirlərin təşkili çox əhəmiyyətlidir. Düşünürəm ki, belə tədbirlər davamlı olaraq təşkil olunmalı və bütün şagirdlər cəlb edilməlidir.

Banu’s parent

Summer Camp Rates



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quick,easy & problem-free

Baby Shower Party

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